Who needs to fill out the Application Form? Siapa yang perlu mengisi Borang Permohonan?
The Application Form must be completed by the student or by an Academic Advisor at the UNINOW Centre who is assisting with the student’s application. Borang Permohonan mesti diisi oleh pelajar atau Penasihat Akademik di UNINOW Centre yang membantu proses permohonan pelajar.
When will I receive the Offer Letter from KLIEC? Bila saya akan menerima Surat Tawaran daripada KLIEC?
KLIEC will issue the Offer Letter within seven (7) days through the UNINOW Centre. KLIEC akan mengeluarkan Surat Tawaran dalam masa tujuh (7) hari melalui UNINOW Centre.
When do I need to make the payment, and to whom should the payment be made? Bila saya perlu membuat bayaran dan kepada siapa bayaran perlu di buat?
Payment must be made to the UNINOW Centre within seven (7) days from the date of the Offer Letter. Failure to do so will result in your Offer Letter being voided and may complicate the certification process when you graduate. A payment receipt will be issued by the UNINOW Centre. Bayaran perlu dibuat kepada UNINOW Centre dalam masa tujuh (7) hari daripada tarikh Surat Tawaran, Kegagalan berbuat demikian akan menyebabkan Surat Tawaran anda terbatal dan akan merumitkan proses persijilan apabila anda bergraduat kelak. Resit bayaran akan dikeluarkan oleh pihak UNINOW Centre.
Application Form
Attention to the UNINOW Centre: The maximum turnaround time is 15 days only.
Perhatian kepada pihak UNINOW Centre: Tempoh pemprosesan maksima adalah 15 hari sahaja